Thousands of Brass Water Meter Couplings, Flange Kits, Coupling Gaskets, Flange Gaskets, Flange Bolts, Meter Seals, Wire, Presses, Remote Wire, Hot Box Enclosures, Tools, Equipment and just about anything else you can think of for your meter / water service project. We also carry a full line of UL/FM Flanged Pipe, Spools, Reducers, Flanged Fittings and Adapters as well as all Hydrants Parts and Accessories. Looking for something odd? SLC is known for specializing in the unusual. Contact us, chances are we have it or can get it for you.What separates SLC from other suppliers is that WE HAVE IT IN STOCK AND AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT OR PICK UP.
5/8" -2" meter coupling & gaskets are in stock and available for immediate pick up, delivery or shipment. SLC will ship the same day in most instances. Meter couplings are solid brass and are sold in pairs that includes two tubes and two swivel ends. Gaskets are available in a variety of materials including solid rubber, leather, fiber or poly are in stock. Just specify your preference, 1/16" or 1/8" thickness and quantity.
1 1/2"-2" Oval flanges of either bronze or iron are sold individually or as a set that includes two flanges, two gaskets four bolts and nuts.
1 1/2", 2" 3" & 4" Bronze sweat flanges are also in stock and sold individually or in set.
3"- 12" Threaded companion flanges of brass or iron are in stock and sold individually or as sets.
1 1/2"-12" Full face or drop in flange gaskets are also in stock and available for immediate shipment.
Just call1-800-433-4332 and name your size and specification. We can ship them right out to you.